martes, 16 de mayo de 2017



  1. How do you incorporate in your school the digital learning technology?
  2. What benefits do you think it brings to the center?
  3. What do you think, is this center focusing on formal or informal learning? What type of learning do you think is more important?
  4. What after-school activities provide the school for parents to become involved in the educational process of their children? (In case the center offers that kind of activities)
  5. Is there any reward for those teachers who innovate?
  6. How is expected the working groups to cooperate?
  7. Is the school involved in activities such as speeches in order to make the students conscious about the risks that technologies can have?
  8. How are the social skills in this school developed?
  9. Does the school develop activities taking into acount the individual differences of each pupil? (His/her potency, expectation…)
  10. Does the school promotes feedback through portfolios, simulartions…And do you think is it important to keep a good relationship between teachers and students?
  11. Does this school include technologies for everything. Do you think students obtain better results using ICT?
  12. How is recognized the prior experimental and the open learning?
  13. Are the students conscious about the licenses?
  14. What type of context promote the learning within the classroom?
  15. How do you use your digital learning technologies?
  16. Why do you think technology is the best way to teach? Have you been good results so far?

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017



Hello everyone!!!! I am Elena Torres Soto from the group Flower Power and I am the star of the task of this week. My role this week  has consisted of explain the different connections that exist between the complexity at schools, the relationships at school and the topic of school that learn.
From my point of view this has been one of the most difficult tasks we have done since the connections were very difficult to find and we have spent a lot of time until we reached the right answer. Fortunately the day of the presentation was not so bad as I thought, since I could explain it in a clear and simple way. Moreover, I did not have to make the presentation in my own which helped me a lot to be more confidence and relaxed.

Despite all the difficulties we had with this task, I think that we could be able to get a grat result thanks to all of us and our grat effort.

Good morning everyone! I am Rocío Muñoz and this week I have been one of the star, yes one! because in this task we have to display two stars, so the other one is Elena. This task that is called “School that learn” was related to connections within education and their complexity and all these links have to be drawn in a connection map.

On Monday Linda explained us the activity as every week and then my group, the flower power raffled all the roles. I was very nervous since I did not want to be the star because of my shyness.

On Wendnesday Elena and me had to explain in a different way the structures that belongs to education which are complexity at school, schools that learn and relationships. This task has been a bit difficult to explain because there are a lot of connections among each other  and the map was a bit messy but we achieved!

I honestly was not nervous on the day of the exposition since I have already talked in public many times and also I was with Elena. However, this activity has been different to expose  because we explained the same nine times (each group was rotating, changing all the time and listening to all the stars individually) so I finished very tired as the rest of the stars.

At the end I think our display was fairly good because Linda congratulated us and the other groups too and that´s all.


Hello everyone! I'm Paula Martínez García and this week I'm the facilitator. 
On Monday Linda explained us what was this task about. We had to create relationships between some concepts. We went running to the library to start working. It was really hard to concentrate there because everyone was talking so we decided to meet in the afternoon. 
I brought some sweets like a snack for my mates and we started working. 
It was a bit stressful due to the fact that we were so tired but finally on Tuesday we finally finish our mind map. We can do everything if we work hard!!!!


Hi!! I´m the curator of the task of this week, my name is Veronica and here I´ll show you the resources we have used: 

As you can observe we only needed the information the teacher provided us due to the fact that the objective of  this task was to find the connexions between the two new documents uploaded   this week and the documents of complexity we have already seen some weeks before.

Hello flowers! I’m Paula Martínez Plaza and this week I’ve been the analyst of my group.
In this task, we have had some problems because of the tiredness. In some moments we did not how to continue but finally we have tried to make the activity as good as possible. 
The best part of the activity has been when we have found the relationships between the three documents and also, we have laughed a lot due to the desperation.
The worst part has been when we had to read three documents and find the connections to write the speech.
On the other hand, we have learnt a lot about the complexity of the school because it is so influenced by many relations among peers, teachers, parents, technology, new methodologies, and so on.
From my point of view, we need to conserve the positivism and the desire to learn and we need to improve our nerve and also, the effectiveness to do the tasks.

Finally, I want to say that from the very beginning of the course we have gotten very well together and I am very happy with the tasks that we have been doing during this subject.

- Complexity at school: Education is a complex context where you can find many facts such as diversity and redundancy or emerging knowledge.
- Schools that learn: This terms involves three structures (Constant changes, coordination structures teacher's organization) that are linked and this structures are changing all the time.
- Connections : It means the state of being connected. In this task we made a mind map were all the structures  worked were linked.
- Structures: Agents that are organized and coordinated among each other.
- Organization: The way you order something for example in this case, it is within education.


Hello! I’m Berta and I have been the journalist this week.
On Monday, Linda explained us the new task “Schools organized, Schools that learn”. At first sight, it doesn’t seemed very difficult for us due to the fact some texts that we had to read for this task, we had already read them for another task and we understood them very well.

After Linda’s explanation we decided to go to the Luis Vives library because we couldn’t concentrate since the class was very hot and also there was a lot of noise.

In the afternoon, we decided to book a class in the Nebrija’s Library where we read all together the texts in order to make a brainstorming after reading. It was very difficult for us because we didn’t know how to start doing the connexion map.

As we were a bit overwhelmed, the facilitator bought for all the group food and she sweetened us the afternoon but at 20:00 p.m we were blocked and we decided to finish working and to go home.

On Tuesday,  we ate at the university to not waste time and be able to study in the afternoon due to we are very overwhelmed with the exams. We finish the connexion map at 17:30 more or less.
On Wednesday, we present all the connexion maps and our stars did the presentation very well !!

I have commented the Blog of the Architeachers group and also I have commented the blog  where the author talks about some innovations that we can include in schools such as the ICT. 


In this task we have learned the different connections that are in the education, complexity at school, schools that learn and relationships.
First of all in the point of the complexity at schools, we have learned that the complexity at school is teaching and learning and it depend on the organization and relationships between teachers. The knowledge will emerge from this connections. So within this interconnections of levels, knowledge emerges. The different types of knowledge that emerge here are: context knowledge( depending on the cirscunstances, the school, the culture,… ) emerging knowledge (which is connected with relationship structure because it appears through connections with teacher-students, family, peers…), randomness and determinism order which are connected with diversity and redundancy (because randomness and diversity want to innovate but redundancy and determinism order prefer carrying on in a traditional way).

In the point of schools that learn, the different structures are changing all the time. Within this connection we have seen constant changes because as you know education is in a constant change and we have done a connection with diversity and balanzing randomness because all of them want to innovate.
Also we have learned that coordination structures, in which teachers are elements of organizations and they obtain new knowledge in order to improve the organization and efficiency, is linked with teacher s organization because on the one hand through years of experiencies and years of working teachers have achieved success and have improved their teaching technique and on the other hand teachers are aware of learning processes and they know that each problem is an apportunity to learn something new.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017






Hello, I´m Veronica and I´m the translator of the group this week, the meaning of the key word which are relevant are the following:
PLE (Personal Learning Environment): Set of tools, sources of information connections and activities that each person uses regularly to learn.
PLN (Personal Learning Networks): is an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a personal learning environment.
Social Mediacomputer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
Metacognition: is "cognition about cognition", "thinking about thinking”, “knowing about knowing", becoming "aware of your awareness" and higher order thinking skills. 

Thinglink: It is a tool for image interaction that allows content sharing via online images. Its purpose is to allow photos and other images to be made into web links, mainly for the purpose of advertising and education


Hello Flowers! I’m Paula Martínez Plaza and this week I’ve been the journalist of my group.

For this task, we only had to work on Tuesday in class because it was very short and also, easy for us. In addition, on Monday we did not have classes due to it was the “Labor Day”.

First, our teacher Linda showed us a video made for her where she explained us what was the concept of PLE (Personal Learning Environments). After that, we had to reflect about the definition and then, we had to choose three members of our group to analyse their PLE. 
Naomi, Vero and I were the chosen ones, so with the help of the other classmates we had to select a picture which defined us and then, we explored a program called “Thinklink” when you could add information about you. We put information about Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, our family, our peers and so on because thanks to them we had learnt many things about life.
We are reaching the end of this course and although we are tired, we are happy with the work we have done!!!! 

I have commented two interesting blogs:


HI FLOWERS!! I’m Aintzane again! This week I’m the curator farmer of my group!! 

This task has been different, I mean, Linda explained it on Wednesday and we did it at that moment, but it has been nice. 
We have learnt about PLE (Personal Learning Environment), but also about Thinglink, it’s a ‘free interactive imagine tool’. 
I wish every week were like this!!


Hi everybody! I am Elena Torres Soto and I am the facilitator of this week.
 My role this week consisted of organize and coordinate every member of my gorup during the task. I enjoyed a lot this role since I have to encourage my group, and personally I love to help people. However the this week we had to do the task in very few time so we were a bit stressed at first but I tried to encourage them so much as I could. 
Despite of the few time we organized in avery good way and I think we finally got very good results, we enjoyed it a lot.
I hope we carry on working so good until the moment. Let´s go Flower Power!!!


Hi everybody! I am Naomi and this week I am the analyst. We have all worked the same in this task because we divided the work equally (plus the roles of each one)

I have been as fair as possible while doing the rubric and I have to say that I am really happy working with this group because from my point of view we are all really hard workers and we rarely disagree. I also have to say that everybody in this group can contribute with an idea openly.