jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017


In this task we made a video with our colleagues from other groups.
We have to understand how schools are organized and how everything is in a relationship, because it is crucial to understand deeply that schools are complex. We explored what complexity means and how this affects the relationships at school. We also had to read before making the video a chapter about 5 types of relationships at schools giving examples of 5 fiction mini-cases. We recorded one of this situations.
With this task we have learned that schools are complex places and learning is also a complex process.
We have to say that within school we can find teacher-student connection, connections with peers, connections within the learning context, connexions beyond the classroom, connections within learning.



Hello everyone!!  I am Naomi Méndez, the star of this week. I have been the star twice, but this week my role was quite different. I have been a kind of movie director. 
First of all we had to write some cases, and then in class, we chose one case in order to represent it. 
When I had chosen the case (Teacher-Student relationship) I went with some colleagues of mine to another classroom and we made a fast representation of the case I wrote. It was about showing the difference between a demotivated teacher and a brand new one who helps a lot her pupils. 
After recording the video, I edited it and uploaded in Youtube.


Hi! I'm Veronica Molina and the role of curator is mine this week!
As we had to continue with the second part of the task of the last week (complexity and relationship), the information we have used is all from the second chapter the teacher gave us  (Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.)
In the previous task we also had to search information on the internet to find news related with the content, but this time we didn’t have to do it due to the fact we had to create some scenes by ourselves, so this is the only source of information we used.


Hi everyone!!  I’m Aintzane, the analyst of this week. My role is to evaluate the work of my group.
The task of this week has been ‘Relationships in a Complex Context’ . We had to do 5 different cases with the 5 types of relationships at school, in which, we have illustrated the teachers’ situation at school each day. 
Finally, on Wednesday, we had to record a short in order to illustrate the relationships that we have studied in this task. The movie directors were the different stars. For example in my group, my director was Stina Eliasson, the star of the group, Ladies and Gentleman, and we had to it about Connections with peers.
I love my group, and I hope that continue working as well as we have worked until now.


Hi everyone! I´m Paula, the journalist of this week. My objective is to tell you what we have done to obtain the results of this task. 
First of all, on Monday Linda explained and gave us the instructions we had to follow in order to do the task. In class we read some documents and started to work hard. In the evening we met at the library to finish our work. It was funny because we had to create some histories and scenarios and for that we needed a lot of imagination. 
On Wednesday, the big day, Linda surprised us as always saying that we had to mix with other groups in order to create a theatre and made a representation. The challenge was to do it only in one hour, or less. Create and record the video was too fun (at least in my group)!! I think everyone had a great time that day ;) We have to upload it to youtube and we´ll watch it on Monday as if we were in a cinema, I hope everything goes well (and fun).


Hi flowers!!! I am Elena Torres Soto and I am the translator of this week. We have learn the meaning of this five words which I think that are the best represent what we have been doing during his task:

  • Connection: ths term decribes the relationship between two or more people (in this case it could be techer-student or studen-student) which is characterized by confidence.
  • Complexity: This term describes the behavior of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher instruction to define the various possible interactions.
  • Influence: this term refers to the fact that if teachers do something it is very posible that it will have consequences in the students.
  • Knowledge: this term represents what teachers transmit to their students and also what the students aquire thanks to teacher.
  • System: this term makes refference to that school is composed by different parts, and they work thanks to the unión among them.


Hello Flowers! I’m Paula Martínez Plaza and this week I’ve been the facilitator of my group.
The task of this week has been really original because we had to create 5 stories based on “Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age”. My role consisted of dividing the group in four couples to read the document and we rotated every time we finished reading a section and thus, we handled different opinions and ideas. Then, all of us started to create the stories in Spanish due to it was easier for us. Finally, I divided the group in two groups formed by four people, some of us translated the stories to English while the rest of the group reviewed that we had done until that moment. I did that because from my point of view, we understand ourselves better whether we work in that way.
I believe that we don’t have much problems when it comes to working in group, so for me it wasn’t complicated to organize the activity and to resolved doubts. Also, I provided them some food to encourage the dynamic of the group and to create a relaxed environment.

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017




Hi everyone! I’m Berta Tornel and I have been the star this week.
On Monday when Linda explained the task I was very excited because she told us that this week the stars wouldn’t have to do an oral presentation in front all of the class, that was a very amazing new because I really afraid of speaking in public. All my group thought that this task was really complicated because it was difficult to understand all the complexities and me, the star, I didn’t know really well what to prepare for doing it in Wednesday. On Wednesday I was nervous thinking on what Linda would ask to do. My work was to create a newspaper with all the news of the second complexity that was “The context of a complex organisation”, to be honest I was lucky because this complexity was the best that I have understood, (I think).
Doing the newspaper I was very overwhelmed due to we started late because I had a problem with my news. Furthermore, we created an account in the webpage crayon but nobody of us knew how this web page worked so we had to change the webpage, I think that twice, that’s why my level of nervousness was growing. After finding a webpage that we understood I distributed all the news to my group and what they had to do was the summary of the new and also they had to explain the relationship between the new  and the complexity. We had seven news but we didn’t finish on time because we didn’t find some links of the news we had and also because I didn’t know how to convert a document on word to a PDF.

To summarize, the star this week had a hard work because is the boss and must know how to distribute well the work and also has to manage well the time and I think that the second think I didn’t know how to do it well. With this task I have learned that I have to relax a bit more because when I’m nervous the thinks get worse.

The different newspaper of the other groups: 




Hello everyone!!!!! My name is Paula Martínez García, the analyst of this week. What I have to do is to evaluate the work of my group. The task was "Complexity and relationships" and we had to find the 6 complexities and one news for each complexity. Finally, in class we had to create with others groups a newspaper. I have to say that al of us always work hard and we are a beautiful team. It's true that some of us worked more that others this week, that's why the marks are different depending on how much that person has worked. I hope our marks goes higher next week!


Hello people! I am Rocio Muñoz and this week I am the curator-farmer so I have to collect all the links and webpages that we have taken for reference and used in the work since this task called Complexity and relationships texts is based on searching on the internet. 
This week the task was based on collecting a series of current notices specifically six, between 2016 and 2017 related to the complexity theory. 
In this scheme you have all the links used during the activity. 

-Pedraza, J. (2016) The advantage of multiculturalism

Retrieved 27 March, 2016, from: https://www.google.es/amp/ccaa.elpais.com/ccaa/2016/03/15/madrid/1458060048_092362.amp.html

-OK Diario (2016)
Retrieved 12 December 2016, from: https://okdiario.com/espana/2016/12/12/asi-adoctrina-odio-espanoles-profesor-1o-primaria-colegio-cambrils-tarragona-592678

-Mouzo, J (2017) The problem with mathematics is not of children, but of how it is taught "
Retrieved 4 March 2017, from: http://elpais.com/elpais/2017/03/02/mamas_papas/1488489539_151680.html

-C. Fanjul, S (2017)
This is project learning that revolutionizes schools
Retrieved 13 March 2017, from: http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2017/03/12/actualidad/1489333447_073406.html

-Ecodiario, (2016) The school without computers or screens where the children of employees of Silicon Valley study
Retrieved 6 January 2016, from: http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/cultura/noticias/7266789/01/16/El-colegio-sin-ordenadores-ni-pantallas-donde-estudian-los-hijos-de-los-empleados-de-Silicon-Valley.html

-Solon, O (2016) Use a tablet: Does it affect your child's intelligence?
Retrieved 26 March 2016, from: https://www.google.es/amp/www.lanacion.com.ar/1912204-usar-una-tableta-no-van-a-volver-tontos-a-tus-hijos/amp/1912204

The Complexity of Schools Starkey, L. (2012).
Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.


Hi everyone! I´m Verónica and this week I am the translator. We have learned the meaning of these five words that from my point of view, they summarise this task really well:
-Complexity: This term describes the behavior of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher instruction to define the various possible interactions.
-Boundaries:  The limit of a subject or principle.
-Curriculum: the courses offered by an educational institution and the  set of courses constituting an area of specialization.
-Redundancy: The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.
It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.

-Determinism: It is  the philosophical position that for every event there exist conditions that could cause no other event.


Hello everyone!! I am Naomi Méndez and this week I am the facilitator of the group.
As the facilitator, this week I had to coordinate the task and motivate the rest of the group while working and searching for complexities and some interesting news.
We found a bit hard the searching of the news because of the big amount of news you can find about lots of topics. We wanted to choose accurately.
My role as facilitator was not difficult because we are a group very organized and we hardly ever disagree.


Hi everyone! I’m Aintzane again, and I’m the journalist of this week.
The task of this week has been a little bit strange, because we didn’t know what we had to do. On Monday we read the task before Linda explained it, but anybody understood anything. In the practical hour, we divided the different parts of the document, and we started working in pairs. Each pair had to read, understand, and explain to the rest of the group the different documents in order to understand everything.
In the afternoon, we met in Elena’s house, once we had understood everything we started looking for different articles published in 2016/2017 related with the different parts of the documents. We didn’t know if we were doing it right, so, we changed the news an amount of times, but almost night, WE FINISHED IT! 

On Wednesday, we formed groups, the stars this time were the leaders. The rest of us were divided in different groups, in order to do a newspaper with a star, whose couldn’t be of our group. The main of that, was to explain each complexity at the end of the class, but it couldn’t be possible because not every group had finished on time. So, it has been postponed for Monday.

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017




 Hi! My name is Paula Martínez García the star of this week. My work this week was to explain in three minutes what and how have we did the task of this week. 
On Monday I volunteered to be the star of this week because only two of us still had not been stars so I preferred to do it already. While we were doing the “cave art” I was writing what I was going to expose on Wednesday. 
On Tuesday we finished our work so I started to study my speech.   
On Wednesday I began to get a bit nervous because I´m shy and also afraid to speak in public. When Linda said that our group was going to be the first one I get even more nervous but finally everything went very well.

With this experience such as the star of my group I have learned some things for example that I´m able to speak in public without any problem. 


Hello FlowerPowers! I’m Berta Tornel the analyst of this week and as good analyst I have had to evaluate the work of my group.
The task was Summarizing Resources (cartoons) and we had to summarise the ten KEY concepts or moments that we have explored during these six weeks. To do it we use as comic panel the cave art.
We worked very well together, the ideas that we proposed were fantastic and in my opinion we did a very original comic panel.
I have to say that we are a very hard-working group and also lot of us are very creative so that’s why we have original ideas.

Finally in the survey you can see the effort of the whole group highlighting two partners because they involved more than the rest in this task. 


Hello Flowers! I’m Paula Martínez Plaza and this week I’ve been the translator of my group, so I consider that this 5 terms have been the most important of the task:
-Cave Art: Technique used in the prehistory by human beings that consisted in painting its own reality in the walls of a cave.
-Summary: General and brief compilation of previous concepts / ideas / moments.
-Transition: Movement, passage or change from one concept to another.
-Concept: A general notion or idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristic.

-Comic panel: Individual frame, or single drawing, in the multiple-panel sequence. 

Hi everybody! I am Elena Torres Soto and I am the facilitator of this week.
 My role this week consisted of organize and coordinate every member of my gorup during the task. Ienjoyed a lot this role since I have to encourage my group, and personally I love to help people. The first day we started working I brought my colleagues some sweets and snacks so that they can feel more motivated.
I loved the task of this week since it was very creative and I love creative paintings. Moreover I think this week we have worked in a very organised way and as a good facilitator I helped them a lot. I hope we carry on working so good until the moment. Let´s go Flower Power!!!

Hello people! I am Rocio. In the sixth week I am the journalist so I have to tell us what we have had in this activity. 

First of all, on Monday Linda explained us the task. Then we started talking to prepare how we did it since we had to represent a cave of prehistory and we did not know how to start. It was a craft and we needed enough material to do it and a good organization to finish it on time. 

That afternoon, the Flower Powers met in the "Student Residence" located in front of our faculty and each flower brought their respective material and we divided the work. On the one hand, Naomi and me prepared cola mixed with water, Berta and Paula went to a shop to ask for paperboard while two of us went out into the Street to collect mud as it seemed more realistic for our craft than the painting itself and there was enough thanks to the rain previous. At the same time the rest of Flowerr Power started preparing the mural, the size, etc. 
Once we had all returned to collect everything we needed to begin, we set to work. As you can see in the photo, we mix different colours of mud and then with our hands paint the mural which had been previously prepared by the rest. It was very disgusting! And that day we left the mural to dry. 

On Tuesday as our mural was very dry, we began to draw the different ideas that we had learned throughout the course. We did with red, black and brown colours to seem more realistic. That afternoon we get soiled because of the waxes. Later we went to print it on photo paper for each group in our class. 

Finally, on Wednesday our star, Paula, with a bone in her head, explained to the rest of our colleagues and Linda how we had managed to make a mural so realistic and prehistoric. In addition she tell them what ideas have learned during the course. 

I going to show you several photos so you can see these enjoyable days and amused moments in which we have done the task.


Hi everyone! I’m Aintzane Martín, the curator-farmer of this week. In this project we have done a cave art, and we did everything with our imagination. Well, actually we searched ‘what is a cave art’ in google, and the rest of things went out our mind.

The references are in the following list:

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017




The goal of this task was to demonstrate through 8 reasons why we were against TextBooks.
We had to explore some documents about the main topic and then, we had to make an infographic which are visual representations, about data, knowledge or information in general.

The reasons were the following:

1.   Information is limited and selected in textbooks: Knowledge is not neutral because everything explained in books is focused on one direction where students do not express their opinion.
2.   Information is not updated in textbooks, for example, textbooks still consider Pluto as a planet. However on the Internet the information is updated in real time.
3.   Textbooks are more monotonous and less interactive: It is not the same as students see a powerpoint or a video on youtube that is more entertaining. Technology is part of the daily life of children, so why deny them a learning in which they can use technology?
4.   Textbooks do not make students think and develop the answer for themself, that is, they give the the final solution without giving them tools to get it.
5.   The information provided by textbooks is often determined by cultural and political issues of dominant groups. The information is subjective, that is, it influences by the cultural and political ideology of the author.
6.   Textbooks are made for profit: Writers have the power to impose a price on their books taking advantage of the school's obligation to buy them. Books should not be used as a resource for money, that is, they should not be a trade.
7.   The books are a support for the teacher, they do not serve by themselves but still the textbook that governs the life of the class. This is known as deprofessionalization.
8.   Children carry too much weight on their back because of the amount of books they carry in their backpacks.

     From our point of view, this task has been useful to understand better the innovations that surrounded us nowadays.In addition, we have to adapt ourselves to the current society, especially to the technologies. They are emerging faster and faster and we need them not only to our daily life but for our primary classroom because if we want to make a difference, we have to improve our teaching methods. Children are born in a world full of technology, which is fun, attractive and very visual for learning, so we should realize what is happening around us.



Hello Flowers! I’m Paula Martínez Plaza and this week I’ve been the star of my group! My role has consisted of explore what is the dark side of TextBooks, so my group and I had to read some documents and then, we had to make an info-graphic explaining the main ideas of the topic.

My experience as star have been really, really good because the class was organized in 8 tables with one component from the different groups. First, I had to explain the info-graphic with my own words.  Then, I had to assume the Facilitator’s role for helping them to extract the main ideas from what they had understood and they had to write it on a cardboard. The second part of the work was that they had to share their ideas about what they think of TextBooks and they had to write it on the cardboard too. Later, our teacher Linda gave us some topics like gender, sex, identity and how TextBooks could affect people depending on which part of the world they are in. Finally, they had to write some tips about how we could improve our info-graphic and also, something that we had in our work and they would like to have on their work.

I have enjoyed the task a lot and I have felt really happy due to the help of my classmates.


Hello everyone! Im Berta Tornel and this week I have been the facilitator of my group.

The task of this week was very interesting, we loved it. The task was called “The dark side of textbooks” and we had to discuss about bad things that books have. We found a lot of good ideas and we thought that the best way to represent them was doing an infographic. We had some problems with the infographic due to the fact none of us had done before an infographic and we didn’t know how to create it. We searched on the internet pages for doing infographics and we finally found Picktochart that was easy to understand. Also, we had problems with the pictures that we wanted to put on the infographic because we had to search ones with no copyright.  
We work very well together, we have never had a problem between us and the atmosphere is perfect, although some of us get stressed easily I’m here to motivate! Come on Flower Powers! 


Hi everyone! I´m Paula Martínez Garcia and this week I´m the curator-farmer. My responsibility was to collect all the links and webs we have used for doing our work.
This week we had to investigate why textbooks have “a dark side” and here are the links we have used:
GOOGLE IMAGES; Retrieved 6 March, 2017:

Retrieved 6 March, 2017, from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbook

-Michael W Apple. (2000) Cultural politics and the text.
Retrieved 6 March, 2017, from: file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/apple_cultural_politics_and_the_text(2).pdf

-Crawford, K. (2000) Researching the Ideological and Political Role of the History Textbook Issues and Methods.
Retrieved 6 March, 2017, from: file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Crawforded-kw(1).PDF

-Jordi Adell. (18 June, 2011) Lecturas sobre libros de texto.
Retrieved 6 March, 2017, from: file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/elbonia.cent.uji.es-Carta_a_los_editores_de_libros_de_texto(1).pdf

-Jordi Adell. (6 June, 2010) Carta a los editores de libros. 
Retrieved 6 March, 2017, from: file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/elbonia.cent.uji.es-Lecturas_sobre_libros_de_texto(1).pdf

Now I´ll show you a mind map with all the references used in this task:


I´m Vero and It´s my turn to be the journalist. Let´s start with the summary of how we have worked this week!!
As every Monday Linda explain us what´s the task about, in the practice class we start working on reading the different documents, and then, in the afternoon we met at Nebrija´s Library, there, once we have finish reading all we divide the rest of the work (brainstorming session, how to design the info graphic, searching for cc pictures, translating the information…)
We almost finish all.
Finally, on Tuesday morning, in a free hour we had between class we print it. This time we have organized really well so we didn’t need to meet more time.
Our star this week was Paula and her big day was on Wednesday. First she felt a bit nervous due to the fact that she didn´t know what she had to do exactly, but she explained all perfectly.

I also have commented in the blog of Ladies and gentlemen: 


Hi everybody!!! I am Elena Torres Soto and I am the analyst of this week. My role is to observe and to evaluate the work that my group have done during this task. The task of this week consisted of search information about “the dark side of textbooks”, that is, we have to investigate and look for the reasons why some people is against textbooks. 
On Monday, Linda explained us the task and we had two options in the way of making our Project, which could be an infographic or a twiter time line. We finally chose the infographic option since we thougth we could represent it in a more creative and funny way than in twitter. At first we were a bit worry because we did not exactly how to do an infographic, but we finally found out how to do it and actually I have to recognise it turned to be very cute.
From our point of view, we think we have learned a lot with this task, since it has served to us to realize that books is not something essential for learning, but only an instrumen that a teacher can or cannot use, it depends on its election and opinion. However, without the teacher students wil not understand anything, the techer plays the main role in education!!! 

Hello everyone I am Naomi Méndez and in the task of this week I am the translator. Here are some keywords of this task.

- Textbook: a book used by students as a standard work for a particular branch of study.

- Book: a handwrittenprinted or digital  work of fiction or nonfiction, usually onsheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.

- Information: knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance or knowledge gained through study, communication, research,instruction.

- Financial gain: the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating.

- Monotonous: When something goes on and on and on and on and on, the same way, for a long timeMonotonous things are boring and repetitive, like that long story you've heard your brother tell a hundred times before.